Tuesday 29 May 2012

Poem #2 - Brittany

I am Brittany,
Sister of Amy,
Who needs sleep, Netflix, time,
Who loves family, friends, memories,
Who sees people for who they really are, both sides,
Who hates devastation, hatred, ignorance,
Who fears failure, future and loss,
Who has dreams of something bigger, more exciting, travelling,
Resident of the small blue green planet third from the sun,

Poem #1 - Small Town, Big Dreams

trying to escape.
Living day by day,
suffocated by closeness.
No where to run to,
no where to hide.
Staring out the window,
squinting to seek out the lights of a city.
Instead there is an endless emptiness,
stretching for miles.

Thoughts of getting out,
yearning for a fast-paced life.
Something exciting,
something more.
Craving a bustling noise,
deafened by a constant silence.
Waiting for the day,
when I will run free.
I will leave this small town,
for bigger dreams.